Another day of online class

Today the first hour was psychology by Ancy teacher..Sathyalekha teacher taught us about Eriksons theory of psycho-social development.
              The class was taken in a discussion mode.Various titles related to Social development and stages of development in children's were discussed during the session.Stage 1- Trust vs. Mistrust (Birth - 18 months), Stage 2 - Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt (19 months - 3years), Stage 3 Initiative vs. Guilt (3 years 6 years) and Stage 4-industry vs inferiority were discussed.

The next hour was taught by Meekha teacher.It was our optional hour. She taught us about planning- unit and year plan in detail..The class was really informative.. Then Sr.Jomcy made her presentation of assignment.
The last hour was taken by Dona teacher about emotional and spatial intelligence...


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