Back to College...

After five days of school induction program , today we returned back to our college. It was our assembly day which was conducted by M.Ed first year students.It was interesting that all the programs presented in malayalam. Assembly starts with prayer song followed by college anthem, Pledge, news reading and  thought for the day. As a part of our international seminar they prepared a theme song and presented it in the assembly.They conducted a game in the assembly Pathirundo ,translation of proverbs into Malayalam. It was fun filled game, students, teachers and principal all participated in the game.
       After that we had a meeting to share our experience about the school induction program. One of the student from each group shared their experience about the induction program.After that Joju sir and Ancy ma'am  explained about our art and aesthetic visit. After lunch we had optional hour and we worked on works.


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